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Alba Drug Information System

As the first step of the determination of anti-drug tasks, the Drug Action Team has created the position paper, then accepted the anti-drug strategy, and finally in the third period it has made and accepted the operative program. In the strategy one basic condition of the anti-drug work is that the profession and the society expect the experts to be fully aware of the tendency of the conformation of the problem. The Alba Drug informational System (ADS) is willing to be suited for this expectation. Currently, the concerned institutions are collecting the client service data and service statistics into different structures. The ADS – considering the obligatory supplying of data and voluntary statistics – is aiming partly to standardize and partly to make the drug informational data service transparent toward the publicity.

The aim and the principles of the actuation of ADS:

The actuation of Alba Drug-informational System has indirect and direct aims.

  • The primary aim is to support the preparation of all decisions of the Drug Action Team and the experts responsible for the drug issue.
  • The secondary aim is to inform the local drug specialists of the current drug situation in the town.
  • The tertiary aim is to pass the reports made in the intervening period to a wider publicity directly (via net) and indirectly (through the local media).

The actuation of ADS is ensured by the principles formed during the professional consensus.

  • ADS is serving the presentation of substance abuse and any other drug related data for several institutions functioning in the town, controlled by the government of the town or the county, and for NGO-s as well.
  • ADS is not willing to standardize or take over other institutions’ data service commitments, hence these reports and data services should remain within the given institution’s cognizance.
  • ADS is a web based information service system for registered users. The upload, download and the query of data and statistics is happening via net.
  • Joining the ADS is unbidden, only the maintainer can make the upload of data compulsory for the institutions and organizations.
  • In connection with the use of ADS on-line helpdesk is required from the data owner.
  • The ownership of data, statistical reports uploaded to ADS remains the dataowner’s, however, they are all available for everyone through the pages of ADS.
  • ADS cannot contain any kind of private data. Data are collected anonymously grouped according to age, sex and the sort of the used substance.


Alba Drug-information System developed by


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